Thursday, 27 May 2010

Obama Defends Response to Gulf Oil Spill, Pledges to 'Shut This Down' - Fox News

photo credit Fox News

Maybe we'll see some real progress now. 'Bams is taking the oil spill under his control, and honestly I think he can do a better job. He's not my favorite person in the world, but at least he doesn't have as many ulterior motives. BP has proven that they don't know what the hell they're doing and their credibility has been maybe this is a step in the right direction. One problem:

"Obama said response teams are using the "best science" to plug the leak, but stressed that BP, not the federal government, has the "superior technology" to get the job done. He said the federal government is taking "full advantage" of that expertise."

We're still following BP's lead. The government does now, however, have the authority to direct BP's actions.

"He added that BP will pay "every dime" for the damage it has done to the coastal communities.
"BP is responsible for this horrific disaster and we will hold them fully accountable on behalf of the United States,"
Obama said. I'd love to believe this, but who doesn't see a big settlement coming? Unfortunately oil companies still have major influence, and I'd be willing to bet BP gets off the hook - at least partially.

In good news, the Obama administration has extended the moratorium on new deepwater drilling permits for at least six months. Additionally, the drilling planned to take place off the coast of Alaska has been suspended, and the further lease sales off Virginia and in the Gulf have been cancelled.

Full article here (Fox News)

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