Friday, 30 July 2010

Enbridge Spill yields Fresh Ammo for Oil Sands Critics - The Globe and Mail

photo credit John Grap & AP

Because we just still don't quite have enough of these. An Enbridge pipeline broke on Monday, spilling three million liters of oil into the Kalamazoo River in Michigan.

Although the broken pipeline has been shut down, the leaked oil is flowing towards the Great Lakes:

"Enbridge doubled the number of staff working to contain the spill before it reaches Lake Michigan, and cleanup crews expressed optimism on Wednesday that oil would not reach the lake, which provides drinking water to millions of Americans living near its shores."

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers is "confident that the EPA’s view will not prevail" when it comes to the Obama administration's decision to favor either big energy or environmental issues. TransCanada has said "It’s not ideal and it has heightened the level of awareness the public has." So, pretty much the oil giants are pissed that the public knows what's going on now. Boo-hoo.

Full article here (The Globe and Mail)

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