Sunday, 29 August 2010

Top Fish Predators Decline in Stellwagen Bank - The Epoch Times

photo credit Jodi Hilton/Getty Images

"The Gulf of Maine Cod Project found that there has been a ‘significant decline in animal diversity and abundance’ in the Stellwagen Bank, according to the Marine Historical Ecology Final Report."

Research says that the species richness and habitat quality of Stellwagen Bank and the Gulf of Maine has been declining drastically over the past 100 years.

Stellwagen Bank is off the coast of Massachusetts and was declared a National Marine Sanctuary in 1992. It is a popular site for ecotourist activities such as whale watching.

Fingers point to overfishing, especially bottom trawling which disrupts the environment on the seafloor. Evidence in the report suggests that the effect can be reversed if the government can provide greater protection and fishermen can practice greater restraint.

Wondering if the fish you're eating is contributing to the decline? Need a reminder on which fish to buy and which fish to avoid? Educate yourself about sustainable seafood!

Full article here (The Epoch Times)

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