Monday, 7 June 2010

US Adm Thad Allen says Oil Clean-Up 'Will be Years' - BBC

I'm glad there's a cap on it, but the problem's not solved. The Deepwater Horizon well is still leaking 12,000 - 24,000 barrels of oil per day, and only 11,000 barrels per day are being captured and funneled off by BP.

"Hundreds of thousands" of individual oil patches are currently spread throughout the Gulf's surface. Smaller-scale vessels are trying to remove these via skimmers. Adm. Thad Allen said it would take "a couple of months" to clear all the oil from the surface, but "long-term issues of restoring environments and habitats will be years."

"Mr Obama told reporters after the briefing that he was committed to seeing the Gulf region restored to a condition better than it was before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sank on 20 April, killing 11 workers."

Honestly, I liked Obama for a while, but this seems to me like a naïve statement. It's like he thinks he's going to get bonus points for saying he wants to make it even better than it was. I hear kids say this type of thing a lot. Do I want to believe it? Of course. Do I actually believe it is even possible? No. Let's not forget, Alaska is still hurting from Exxon Valdez more than 20 years later.

Full article here (BBC)

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